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- Tue, 18 MarStucki Park, Building F, AuditoriumTWIST organizes a discussion with HR professionals on how to optimize one's chance to find a STEMM position in Basel as part of a minority group.
- Wed, 16 OctD-BSSE, room K-58You're invited to join us for an open meeting to connect, share ideas, and shape the future of TWIST, all over a relaxed Apéro!
- Tue, 18 JunFMI, Novartis CampusCome and join us for a special panel discussion and speed mentoring session with successful senior scientists in academia, industry and startups!
- Wed, 22 NovRoom 5.30 FMI, BaselWomen in STEM often lack same-sex role models at leadership levels. This networking event allows early-career female researchers and their supporters to present flash talks and receive feedback from senior female scientists, advancing women in STEM leadership.
- Thu, 09 NovBaselThe speaker of the month is Ilaria Arborelli, a leader of molecular diagnostics at Pathology at the University Hospital Basel. Join us for an Inspiring talk, Networking session and Apéro!
- Thu, 12 OctBaselThe speaker of the month is Silvia Candido, entrepreneurial project/initiatives manager at Roche. Join us for an Inspiring talk, Networking session and Apéro!
- Wed, 13 SeptBiozentrum, U1.191The speaker of the month is Prof. Dr. Susan Mango, Group Leader in Biozentrum. Join us for an Inspiring talk, Networking session and Apéro!
- Thu, 13 JulSeminar roomThe speaker of the month is Daniela Ivan, PostDoctoral Researcher, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (NIBR). Join us for an Inspiring talk, Networking session and Apéro!
- Wed, 28 JunKollegienhausPresented by Athena’s Journey together with TWIST, supported by the Biozentrum and DBM PhD and postdoc societies. Join us for some drinks, some snacks, meet new fellow women in science, network and simply have fun! Stay tuned for more details and registration soon.
- Thu, 08 JunKollegienhaus, Hörsaal 114The speaker of the month is Prof. Magdalena Filipowicz Sinnreich, surgeon and research group leader at the Department Biomedicine, speaking about her inspiring journey as a “Mom clinician scientist liver lover”. Join us for an Inspiring talk, Networking session and Apéro!
- Thu, 11 MaySeminar roomThe speaker of the month is Romina Matter-Marone, Senior Scientist/Post-Doc and Co-Founder of Cimeio Therapeutics AG. Join us for an Inspiring talk, Networking session and Apéro!
- Thu, 20 AprBaselThe speaker of the month is Claudia Korn, senior scientist at Roche Ophthalmology. Join us for an Inspiring talk, Networking session and Apéro!
- Wed, 22 MarFMI 5th floor, 5.30Due to Covid, activities from TWIST Basel, an organization promoting women in science, paused. We would like to restart the work and activities of this initiative, and potentially expand and rebrand this organization to include diversity issues in scientific environments.
- Tue, 27 OctZoomTwist is joining FEMtrepreneurs once again in organizing the entrepreneurship series! Join our Tuesday Twist and meet three women entrepreneurs from Switzerland!
- Thu, 07 MayZoomJoin our second event of entrepreneurship talks on the 7th of May!
- Thu, 30 AprZoomJoin our first event of entrepreneurship talks on the 30th of April!
- Tue, 10 DecSwissTPH Kilamanjaro RmLearn specific skills to communicate when stakes are high, opinions vary, emotions run strong
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